Sifu Hendrik Santo

So glad you have produced another DVD.
Just out of curiosity I clicked on the vote button surprisingly to find that some people don’t like your dvd’s. I have been collecting martial art tapes and dvd’s for years and in my opinion you are clear, concise and open…..and you can do what you say!
They are a pleasure to watch. Long may you keep on producing these excellent dvd’s on Wing Chun. Thank you.
Kind regards
Harry Ferguson
Thank you. I learned Wing Chun the First 2 forms as a child in Guam. Some wooden dummy and lots of stick hand as I remember. My instructor was taught by the Ip Man school and his records show him as a classmate of Bruce Lee during that period .I have pictures of my instructor and Yip man I think dated around 1965. He still lives in Guam as I live in Denver CO. I have practiced many years in other arts like Eagle Claw and JKD under Pual Vunaks PFS awhile back. Now at 51 I find it interests me to complete the Wing Chun forms and the wooden dummy 116 moves. I find you to be the most informative I have seen to date with a great explantion of just about every detailed move. I see the power and form in your moves which truly displays the way Wing Chun is meant to be.Thank you again,
Ray Cepeda
You have profound knowledge of Wing Chun as a whole and you are a powerful master,who fails to see that doesnt understand what Wing Chun is.
I’ve seen almost all of your DVD’s and it’s enough for the time being. Ofcourse,nothing beats the real thing, live work and training in person.
I have implemented the “Yang punch” into my training and during sparring and drills,it’s more then useful. Also i’ve started to drill my “Yin punch” with your methods and my speed and power have increased.All the best,
Matija from Serbia
You are a blesing to wing chun.Dont ever stop sharing your insight in every way you can.Thank You so much
Jerry Campbell
Dear Sifu,I would like to say thanks to you for coming out with such advanced and detailed DVDs. I am a Telecom employee from Mumbai,India and due to tight schedule get very little time to go to WC Classes, also the quality of WC Classes in Mumbai is not upto the international standards. Hence I have been practicing with a personal coach and learning thru DVDs. I have been thru a lot of DVDs and let me tell you that the stuff you give is worth all the money spent on it. Its like having a personal coach of the highest standard. I also like your style of teaching – i.e. simple and unassuming. The details shown in your DVDs,I and my WC coach agree are worth their weight in Diamonds. We have just finished the Poon Sau, Punching, SLT 1 & 2 and Chi Sao 1, guess this has loaded us with a lot of power packed info. As a thanks giving guesture I would like to be your host if any time you come to India. Although I feel that India is a huge market, we have very few WC schools in Metros like Mumbai and Delhi. Also the awareness of WC is very less as most people go on the dramatics of the Martial Art than the application. The so called WC schools also claim to have some affiliation, but deeper investigation reveals their fraud nature. In midst of such situation and inability to travel to china due to financial and language barrier, your DVDs have been more of a LIGHTHOUSE. Thanks for showing the TAO, Once again, Thanks for Sharing the priceless wisdom.
Nilesh Prabhulkar-India
Dear sifu sergio .. wish you read my e-mail personally ..that is the first time to contact with wing chun master i didn’t do it before because no one inspired me as you did .. thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with that straight way and honor to teach wing chun with another taste ,, taste of reality and so intelligent mind like yours .. that was so obvious for me in your dvd wing chun ground fighting vol 1.. iam looking to you as symbol , so you are my wing chun symbol since i have seen ya in your great dvd’s kam na , your wing chun series , its diffrent than others wing chun , tsun , any kind of names in the market .. wow you are amazing teacher so sincere to what you teach and what you learn with so easy way and unique way too , yours instructions added to me too much info and changed my basic techniques that iam learned in wing chun kuen as i love to say it … so thanks for every thing i did and still learn form yours dvd’s series .. i would like to ask you favor if you have the time .. to describe for my what is lat sao , how to training it and every thing about it in notes and if you don’t mind to make new video in your you-tube channle about it ..please keep in touch .. yours truly sincerly from my heart ..
Mohamed Elsayed,Egypt
I must say this one… more… time… NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has ever explained the chain punching principles and application the way you do.May God richly bless you and may your kung fu knowledge grow beyond your own expectations!
“What the mind dwells upon it believes. What it believes it attracts!!!”
Yours in Wing Tjun
Ralph Kayser
South Africa
send to Virgil Brewster- fuproductions Hi Virgil,Man I must tell you if the siu nim tao DVD is that great (even thoughit is only the bare basics) what about all the other DVDs you are
releasing! like I told you I am getting all of them…
I wanted to wait for my chain punching DVD before I start ordering the others but I am so excited i am going to purchase the poonsao DVD and request chi sao section 1 this coming weekend… I just need to sort a few things out with my credit acount. believe you me, i went to the bank to apply for a credit card just to buy the wing tjun dvds.
God willing one day my wife and I will move to amsterdam… it will be great to meet (you in person) and practice with you
Have a great day
Ralph Kayser
South Africa
Add some new dimensions to your Siu Lim Tao training. Sifu Sergio has surpassed himself.While all his DVD’s are of high quality, I feel that this one is outstanding.Sifu Sergio has done a great job in presenting some interesting
variations of the first form as performed by different Wing Chun
clans. So you can expand your horizon.
But the main topic of Disc 1 is about the development of elastic power
and the release of energy.
Some ideas how to extend your space making the moves more powerful are
added, similar to the concept of Peng in Tai Chi.
In the part of the three prayers to Buddha movement Sifu Sergio
explains how to develop an elastic sort of power with a three
dimensional push of the elbow within the Tan Sao movement.
The second Disc of the 2 DVD set is on application.
While short in the amount of moves, it presents some good ideas
on how to make use of the movements.
So if you are interested in improving your basic quality of movement
making your Wing Chun more powerful with ideas presented nowhere else,
I feel this DVD will help you a lot.
It helped me a lot.
Thank you for sharing your insights, Sifu Sergio
Yours sincerely,
Oliver Poerner, Bayreuth-Germany
Dear Sifu Iadarola,I’ve ordered your DVD on April, the 24th of 2007, and I’ve seen it many times:let me say that is very interesting and there are never before seen (and listened) concepts on it, and clear (very rare to find this quality in most of the Wing Chun/Tsun DVDs, tutorials, books, etc.)explanations of them.
Definitively one of the best fighting DVD I ever seen.
I’m waiting for the next one, and keep training with your
revolutionary concepts!
Davide Morciano , Italy
Dear Sifu Sergio,I’ am just writing to tell you that I ordered your DVD Chinese Chain Punching Kung Fu and I must say, it’s one of these rare treasures within the big pile of junk available out there on the market!Before I saw the DVD I was hesitant to buy it, I thought it was a little pricey, however I was wrong. The DVD is worth it’s weight in GOLD.
Michele d’Antonio, Sydney – Australia
What Sifu Sergio Iadarola is teaching is really eye opener information.I never knew so much details where missing in my wing chun kung fu arsenal,I thought I knew all there was to know on the topic of chainpunching, guess I was wrong.
Thank you Sifu Sergio
Ben Roselaar – Eindhoven – Netherlands
Dear Sifu Sergio,The only thing I can say is, please bring out more material!I incorporated these concepts and techniques of the Chinese Chain
Punching Kungfu in my Karate system and it kicks ass!
Steve Miller 2nd Dan Wado Kai Karate
New York City – USA
Hi Sergio, Sifu.I never had the chance to see you in Life-Action.I heard so much about you, from People that even didn’t know you and also from some of your students.
I now had the chance to see two of your DVDs.
For me, these two are the best Wing Tsun Learning DVD’s I ever saw.
So much competent, so logical, so rational. I’m really impressed.
That’s how WT makes sence … I’m waiting for your next ones.
Sifu Yves Schwarmes, Head of the International Organisation of Martial Arts. (I.O.M.A.) Respect and regards, Yves – Luxembourg www.wtlux.com
Hello Sifu Sergio,I received the DVD “wing tjun chi sao poon sao”.It was a surprise very pleasant. You explain in a clear way every concept and you anticipate the question that arises for every follower of WT.
Discouraged by organizations which do not give clear answers, I find of the enthusiasm in my practice, thanks to the sharing of your knowledge.
What a pity you have no school in France.
I hurry to order your others DVD.
Remy JOURNEAU – France
Hi Sifu Sergio,Minute after minute of pure quality, this is what the Ving Tsun world needs, clear explanations instead of dvd’s showing off the ego of the one performing
Jean Filips – France
Dear Sifu Sergio,I have to tell you honestly that I never thought much of you, but after I saw that my ex college master Paul Hawkes the ex chief instructor for the EWTOGreat Britain was your guest on your biu tze DVD my curiosity got a hold of me,why in the hell would master Paul Hawkes private student of grandmaster Keith Kernspecht be willing to do a DVD with you? or worse be featured on itas your student? but after seeing the DVD I have to say I’m in awe of yourability and skill, physically as well as verbally I never saw somebody so ableto transmit this art so well, you are definitely worth the name grandmaster.I hope you understand I wish to remain anonymously as I really cannot reveal who I am, but in the future who knows ……………..
5th level practician of the IWTA/EWTO
The Spirit DVD is one of many gems that changed my destiny.From a small room in the city center of Amsterdam, with nomoney and dreams no believe in myself to the owner of a big
mansion in the same city center with almost to many dreams
and ideas to cope with thank you Sifu Sergio for this incredible
boost to my life.
Joop Egmond – Amsterdam – The Netherlands
You’ve done it again, another truly inspiring DVD. I have spent 25 years training, researching and immersing myself inmartial arts and self development and am always impressed by your knowledge and openness.Having seen the greatest self development guru’s such asAnthony Robbins I put you up there with the greats. However I much prefer your Spirit DVD as it really hits home to me a
martial artist and Kung Fu master.
Sifu Paul Hawkes Crawley, W Sussex United Kingdom www.kung-fu-lessons.co.uk
Very interesting material it taught me to see things in a different light i am waiting on your next one!
Franco Bagnoli, Rome Italy
I have seen the spirit now for the fourth time and every time it inspires and lets me discover more about my real potential, its really a powerful tool to change many things in my life, in fact i have already seen and experienced changes.Just last night I talked for hours with the most beautiful girl I normally would never dare to approach.
Jesper Olsen Malmo Sweden
Sifu Anthony Field
London United KingdomDear Sifu Iadarola,It’s rare to find a DVD about Wing Tjun with this quality. The information especially the concepts are something I have never heard or seen before, and it helped me tremulously in my own training. Keep up the good work!Thanks
Frank Delgado , United States
SifuHi my name is Sifu Alan Paterson (3rd Degree) head Instructor of Kung Fu Schools Croydon in South London teaching Yip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu, after viewing Sifu Sergio’s DVD on chain punching I would recommend any student to view it.
The Bui Tze DVD with Master Hawkes is dynamic, exciting and shows the greater: Everybody can find a small piece of inspiration from this DVD.
From an instructor to anybody these are excellent DVD’s!!
Kind Regards
Sifu Alan
Paterson (3rd Degree) Croydon in South London
Giuseppe Barone Italy
Hi Sifu SergioI have ordered all your DVDs to date and they are incredible. After training for 9 years I thought I knew quite a lot about the Wing Tjun system but what I have learnt in the past few weeks has really opened my eyes.You hold nothing back! Look forward to learning more from you in the future.
Richard, South Africa
Darryl Alexander
, South AfricaDear G M Sergio IadarolaLet me begin by thanking you for all your time and effort you put into something we are all so passionate about. Since ordering your DVDs I can honestly say it has taken my training, understanding and knowledge to the next level. I understand more now in 2 months since receiving your DVDs than I did in 9 years of training,Student for life
Shaun South Africa
Sifu,I’ve been reading the comments you’ve posted on your site, about your DVDs, and now I want to make my comments.I found out about the IWKA on the internet, and that was the way I became the chief instructor of IWKA Brazil. You were the guy who changed my life, who changed my point of view. i was always Searching on the net, and be sure I keep searching for new Wing Tjun videos, and other martial art styles, the one who keeps shocking me however is you.
And I’m not telling these things because you are my Sifu, I’m telling this because nobody teaches like you, with all those details, and with your humble of human being. All those guys who teaches martial arts, and I mean every martial arts, are so arrogant,a lot of them don’t even respect their students, what can I say about respecting other martial art teacher.
I think that’s the reason you are so successful, and you deserve it. You are a great teacher, you are a great man, and that’s why you are so respected all over the world. You treat Wing Tjun as a way of life, not only like a martial art, like Bruce Lee said.
Your knowledge has no price, thanks for sharing it with me and also with all your students.
Sihing Erik Alvarenga IWKA – Brasil
Having trained 30 years in martial arts, twenty in Wing Chun (4 different styles), I understand that there is a lot of controversy about the interpretation of Wing Chun. So I do not agree with everything taught on these DVD’s.But if on is serious of studying Wing Chun one should keep an open mind and give different things a try. But one thing is for sure: it is still hard to find a teacher who does not hold back this information.So Mr. Iadarola deserves a big plus for sharing his insights openly.
I found useful information on his DVD’s, so maybe will you.
Some things may differ from what you were taught, but in my opinion the instruction offered on the tapes is a source of reliable high qualityinformation.
While you may argue that the DVD’s are expensive, you can consider it as a private lesson, with the advantage over a private lesson that you can watch it over and over again.
So I recommend these DVD’s and hopefully Mr. Iadarola will produce more tapes and keeps sharing with us in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Oliver Pörner Germany
Sifu Sergio,After re-viewing your BIU TZE dvd I can tell you,Wow! Simply astonishing!
My Biu Tze form will never be the same. This is how I thought the Biu Tze form had to be performed!
All that power emission (Fa Geng) had really shocked me! ,
Thank you!
Jacobo Marroquín Mexico